Starting time: 07.00 PM Venue: Posthalle, Bahnhofplatz 1 Ulm Program: Works by J. Haydn, D. Schostakowitsch and F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Starting time: 07.00 PM Venue: Posthalle, Bahnhofplatz 1 Ulm Program: Works by J. Haydn, D. Schostakowitsch and F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Starting Time: 19:30 Uhr Venue: Kulturforum Schwimmhalle Schloss Plön Schlossgebiet 1a, 24306 Plön Program: Works by Schostakowitsch, J.Haydn and F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Information: https://www.holsteinischeschweiz.de/event/schlosskonzert-april
Starting Time: 04.00 PM Introduction: 03.00 PM Venue: Ickinger Frühling, Ulrichstraße 1–7, 82057 Icking. Program: I.Mundry, A.Schnittke and F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Information: https://klangwelt-klassik.de/2024/12/13/ickinger-fruehling-trio-e-t-a-sonntag-04-mai-2025-16-00-uhr/
Starting Time: 19:30 Uhr Venue: Schwetzinger SWR Festspiele, Schloss Schwetzingen, Mozartsaal Program: Works by C. Debussy, J.Haydn and A.Babajanian Information and Tickets: https://www.swrticketservice.de/veranstaltungen/detail/swr-kultur-new-talent-trio-eta
Starting Time: 08.00 PM Venue: Rittersaal, Burg Linn, Albert-Steeger-Straße 19a Krefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen 47809 Program: Works by R.Meipariani, A.Babajanian and F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Informations: https://veranstaltung.krefeld651.de/event/9-serenade-kammermusik-im-rittersaal-der-burg-linn/
Starting time: 07.30 PM Venue: Nymphenburger Sommer, Allerheiligenhofkirche Munich Program: Works by J.Brahms (?), C.Franck and J.Haydn Tickets: https://www.nymphenburger-sommer.de/karten-kaufen
Starting Time: 11.30 AM Venue: Schloß Bedburg, Arkadenhof Program: Works by R.Schumann, J.Haydn and A.Dvorak Information: https://www.bedburger-konzertgesellschaft.de/14-9-2025/
Starting time: 07.00 PM Venue: Sophiensaal, Kurze Kesselstr. 17, Warendorf Program: C.P.E. Bach: Trio F-Dur H.533, R. Schumann: Trio Nr. 2 F-Dur op. 80, Beethoven: Trio B-Dur op. 97 „Erzherzog“
Starting time: 07.00 PM Venue: Bingen, Villa Sachsen, Mainzer Straße 184 Program: C.P.E. Bach: Trio F-Dur H.533, R. Schumann: Trio Nr. 2 F-Dur op. 80, Beethoven: Trio B-Dur op. 97 „Erzherzog“
Venue: Rathaus Aachen, Krönungssaal, 52062 Aachen Starting time: 06.00 PM Program: Works by R.Schumann, J.Haydn and A. Dvorak
Starting Time: 11.00 AM Venue: Hoenes-Saal, MUSEUM VILLA ROT, Schlossweg 2, 88483 Burgrieden-Rot Program: Works by J. Haydn, E.Grieg, W.Rihm and A. Dvorak Information: https://museum-villa-rot.reservix.de/tickets-trio-et-a-klaviertrio-in-burgrieden-hoenes-saal-museum-villa-rot-am-7-12-2025/e2342945
Starting time: 07.30 PM Introduction: 06.45 PM Venue: Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, kleiner Saal Program: Works by J. Haydn, I. Mundry und F. Schubert Information: https://www.elbphilharmonie.de/de/programm/trio-e-t-a/21932
Starting time: 07.30 PM Venue: Liederhalle Stuttgart, Mozartsaal Program: Works by J. Haydn, D. Schostakowitsch and F. Schubert Information: https://www.liederhalle-stuttgart.de/events/trio-eta-kammermusikabend/
Starting time: 07.30 pm Venue: Kaiser-Friedrich-Halle, Mönchengladbach Works by J. Haydn and F. Schubert Information: https://mgmg.de/2-meisterkonzert-23-11-2023/
Starting time: 17.00 am Venue: Schloss Ahaus, Fürstensaal, Sümmermannplatz 1 Works by L.v. Beethoven, W.A. Mozart and J. Brahms. Information: https://www.musiklandschaft-westfalen.de/trio-eta-fuerstensall-schloss-ahaus/
Starting time: 05.00 pm, 08.00 pm Venue: Saal im ehemaligen Landtag, Tappenbergstraße 1, Oldenburg Works by F. Schubert and A.Schnittke. Tickets: https://www.ticketmaster.de/artist/meisterkonzerte-oldenburger-kunstverein-tickets/1013270
Starting time: tba Venue: tba Program: W.A.Mozart, L.v.Beethoven op.70/2, F.Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Starting time: 11.00 am Venue: Neuss, Raketenstation (Haus für Musiker), Germany Works by W.A. Mozart, W. Rihm Fremde and F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Obertsdorfer Musiksommer Starting time: 8.00 pm Venue: Oberstdorf Haus, Saal Breitachklamm, Oberstdorf, Germany Program: J. Haydn, D. Schostakowitsch, J. Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.oberstdorfer-musiksommer.de/veranstaltungen/details/879385.html
Rheingau-Musikfestival Starting time: 19:00 Uhr Venue: Schloss Johannisberg, Fürst-von-Metternich-Saal, Geisenheim-Johannisberg, Germany Program: Works by S. Rachmaninow, J. Haydn, F. Schubert Info and tickets: https://www.rheingau-musik-festival.de/programm-karten/programmuebersicht/detail/ausgezeichnet-trio-e-t-a
Starting time: 5:30 pm Venue: Schloss Leitheim, Schloßstraße 1, 86687 Kaisheim, Germany Works by S.Rachmaninow, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.naturpark-altmuehltal.de/veranstaltungen/trio_eta-471707-12311543/
Starting time: 6 p.m. Venue: Lich/Laubach, Kammermusikreihe Hessenbrückenmühle Works by E.Grieg, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://msh-laubach.de/konzerte/
Starting time: 7 p.m. Venue: Schloss Heiligenberg, Auf dem Heiligenberg 8, 64342 Seeheim-Jugenheim, Germany Works by von E.Grieg, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.darmstadt-dieburg-entdecken.de/detail/id=6581fbc57e1de30e2c18f865
Starting time: 19:00 Uhr Venue: Erlangen, Konzertwerkstatt des Musikinstituts, Rathsberger Straße 1-3, Germany Works by J.Brahms (?), J.Haydn and C.Franck Info and tickets: https://www.reservix.de/tickets-trio-eta-unbekannte-bekannte-in-erlangen-konzertwerkstatt-des-erlanger-musikinstitut-ev-am-13-4-2024/e2145640
Starting time: 8 pm Venue: Bruchsal, Schlosskonzerte, Kammermusiksaal, Germany Works by J.Brahms, J.Haydn and S.Rachmaninow Info and tickets: https://www.swr.de/swr2/veranstaltungen/va-12-4-24-bruchsaler-schlosskonzerte-100.html
Starting time: 7 p.m. Venue: Stadthalle Kasten, Am Kasten 2, 91555 Feuchtwangen, Germany Works by J.Brahms (?), J.Haydn and C.Franck Infos and tickets: https://www.kunstklang-feuchtwangen.de/konzerte/trio-e-t-a.html
Konzertbeginn: folgt demnächst Ort: SRH Fernhochschule, Kirchstraße 26, 88499 Riedlingen, Germany
Starting time: 8 p.m. Venue: Ulm, Stadthaus, Münsterplatz 50, 89073 Ulm, Germany Works by B.Smetana, J.Haydn, E.Grieg, and R.Pawollek Info and tickets: https://stadthaus.ulm.de/trio-eta
Starting time: 7 p.m. Venue: Rathaussaal, Marktplatz 1, 70734 Fellbach, Germany Works by S.Rachmaninow, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.fellbach.de/de/Aktuelles/Veranstaltungen/Veranstaltung?view=publish&item=eventDate&id=2902
Family Concert Starting time: 4:00 p.m. Venue: Rathaussaal, Marktplatz 1, 70734 Fellbach, Germany
Starting time: 8 pm Venue: Eckernförde, Stadthalle, Am Exer 1, Germany Works by S Rachmaninow J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://konzertreiheeckernfoerde.de
Starting time: 8 p.m. Venue: Theater in der Stadthalle, Kleinflecken 1, 24534 Neumünster, Germany Works by S. Rachmaninow, J. Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.wasgehtapp.de/termin_details.php?id=31931650&date=2024-03-11
Starting time: 6 pm Location: Sasel-Haus Hamburg; Saseler Parkweg 3, 22393 Hamburg, Germany Works by S. Rachmaninow, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.reservix.de/tickets-musikmetropolen-in-hamburg-sasel-haus-am-10-3-2024/e2117675
Starting time: 7 pm Venue: Fischerhude, Buthmanns Hof, im Krummen Ort 2, Germany Works by S.Rachmaninow J.Haydn and B. Smetana
Starting time: 8 p.m. Venue: Buchen, Stadthalle, Schützenstraße, Germany Works by S.Rachmaninow J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: http://www.bucheninconcert.de
Starting time: 6 pm Filderstadt, Filharmonie, Tübingerstraße 40, Germany Works by E.Grieg J.Haydn and F.Schubert Info and tickets: https://www.filharmonie-filderstadt.de/kultur/kultur-veranstaltungen/detail/default-aa64c698b2.html
Starting time: 8:00 pm Venue: Ev. Gemeindehaus, Leopoldplatz 3, 69412 Eberbach, Germany Works by J.Brahms, J.Haydn and C.Franck Infos and tickets: https://www.kunstfreunde-eberbach.de/konzerte/trio-e.t.a./
Starting time: 17:00 Uhr Venue: Leck, Rathaus Leck, Marktstr. 7-9, 25917 Leck, Germany Works by J. Brahms (?) J.Haydn and C.Franck Info and tickets: https://musikfreunde-leck.de/konzert/unbekannte-bekannte/
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Ev. Stadtkirche St. Veit Waldenbuch, Kirchgasse 1, 71111 Waldenbuch Program: Works by S. Rachmaninow, J.Haydn and J.Brahms
Starting time: 8 pm Venue: Goethe-Institut Paris; 17, avenue d’Iéna F-75116 Paris, France Works by J.Haydn, J.Brahms and C.Franck Info and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-concert-trio-eta-772170521817
Starting time: 7:30 p.m. Venue: Meistersingerhalle Kleiner Saal, Münchener Straße 2, 90471 Nürnberg Program: Works by J.Brahms, J.Haydn and C.Franck
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Festsaal der Freien Waldorfschule, Ziegelstraße 50, Heidenheim Program: Works by J.Brahms, J.Haydn and C.Franck
Starting time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Werner-Borchers-Halle, Otto-Glenz-Straße 1, 64711 Erbach Program: Works by E.Grieg, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and Tickets: https://www.erbach.de/kalender/dezember/2023-12-03-konzerte-in-der-elfenbeinstadt-erbach-trio-e.t.a./
Starting time: 6:00 p.m. Venue: Marktplatz 2, 76275 Ettlingen Program: Works by I.Yun, J.Haydn and F.Schubert Info and tickets: https://www.ettlingen.de/erleben/kultur/musik/swr
Starting time: 6:00 p.m. Venue: Jakobsaal, Jakobstraße 5, Seligenstadt Program: Works by I.Yun, J.Haydn and F.Schubert
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Künstlerhaus, Klosterstraße 181, 67480 Edenkoben Program: Works by J.Brahms, J.Haydn and C.Franck Info: https://www.kuenstlerhaus-edenkoben.de/willkommen
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Kultur- & Tagungsstätte Synagoge, Himmeroder Straße 44, 54516 Wittlich Program: Works by S. Rachmaninow, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and Tickets: https://www.visitmosel.de/stadt-kultur/event/wittlicher-konzerte-klavier-trio-eta
Starting time: 6:00 p.m. Venue: Sennestadthaus, Lindemann-Platz 3, 33689 Bielefeld, Germany Program: a.o. works by B. Smetana
Starting time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Säulenhalle, Historisches Rathaus Pfungstadt, Kirchstraße 1, 64319 Pfungstadt Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Rathaussaal, Marktstraße 4, 97340 Marktbreit Program: Works by D.Schostakowitsch, S.Rachmaninow and J.Brahms
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Festsaal “Zum Golden Löwen”, Marktplatz 15, 76356 Weingarten (Baden) Program: Works by D. Schostakowitsch, W.A.Mozart and T. Takemitsu Info and Tickets: https://www.weingartner-musiktage.de/festival/programm-2023/2023-6-swr2-new-talent-trio-e-t-a/
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: St. Katharinen-Kirche, Großer Gemeindesaal, An der Katharinenkirche 4, 38100 Braunschweig, Germany Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn
Starting time: 11:00 a.m. Venue: Alte Abtei, Saaruferstraße 1-3, 66693 Mettlach Program: Works by S.Rachmaninow, J.Haydn and J.Brahms Info and tickets: https://www.musik-theater.de/veranstaltungen/kammermusiktage-mettlach/trio-eta.html
Gezeitenkonzerte Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Pollmann & Renken Aurich-Schirum, Kornkamp 42, 26605 Aurich-Schirum Program: Works by W.A.Mozart, S. Rachmaninow and F. Schubert Info and tickets: https://gezeitenkonzerte.ostfriesischelandschaft.de/veranstaltung/gipfelstuermer-trio-e-t-a/
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Kleiner Sendesaal des NDR, Rudolf-von-Bennigsen-Ufer 22, 30169 Hannover Program: Works by J. Brahms, J. Haydn and C. Franck Info and Tickets: https://www.ndrticketshop.de/ndr-radiophilharmonie/1968-557-konzert-trio-e-t-a
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Kaisersaal St. Mang, Lechhalde 3, 87629 Füssen Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Beethovenhaus, Bonn, Germany Program: Works by R. Schumann and J. Brahms Info: https://www.beethoven.de/de/news/list
Starting time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Bernstoff-Forum, Am Gymnasium 4, 24986 Satrup, Germany Program: Works by F. Schubert, Isang Yun and R. Pawollek
Starting time: 6:00 p.m. Venue: Neckar Forum, Ebershaldenstraße 12 , 73728 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn
Starting time: more info coming soon Venue: Rilke Konzertsaal, Ulrichstr. 1-7, 82057 Icking, Bayern, Germany Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Altes Kloster, Hauptstraße 102/1, 88348 Bad Saulgau Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Beethovenhaus, Bonn, Germany Program: Works by R. Schumann and J. Brahms Info: https://www.beethoven.de/de/news/list
Starting time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Fürstensaal Museum Salder, Museumsstr. 34, 38229 Salzgitter, Germany Program: Works by. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn
Starting time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Museumsinsel Lüttenheid, Lüttenheid 40, 25746 Heide Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn
As part of the KULTURKRAFTTAGE at PS.SPEICHER, together with Eva Mattes (poetry and prose) Starting time: Blue Hour, 5:00 p.m. (artist talk begins at 4:00 p.m.) Venue: PS.SPEICHER Einbeck, Tiedexer Tor 3, 37574 Einbeck, Germany Program: Works by F. Schubert Tickets: https://www.kulturkrafttage.de/tickets
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Europasaal, Das Zentrum, Äußere Badstraße 7a, 95448, Bayreuth Program: Works by F. Schubert, Isang Yun and R. Pawollek
Starting time: 10:00 a.m. Venue: Europasaal, Das Zentrum, Äußere Badstraße 7a, 95448, Bayreuth Program: Concert for children
Venue: Ratsaal Halberstadt, Germany Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn Info: https://www.kammermusikverein-halberstadt.de/konzerte/
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Musiksaal Brunnthal, Hofoldinger Straße 16, 85649 Brunnthal Program: Works by S. Rachmaninow, R. Schumann/Kirchner and J. Brahms
CD Release Concert Starting time: 6:00 p.m. Venue: Kleiner Sendesaal des NDR, Rudolf-von-Bennigsen-Ufer 22, 30169 Hannover Program: Works by J. Haydn, R. Pawollek and B. Smetana Tickets: The tickets can not be bought, but only won. Click here!
Starting time: 7:30 p.m. Venue: Carl-Bechstein-Saal, Brunsbütteler Damm 132-142, 12581 Berlin, Germany Program: Works by F. Schubert, Isang Yun and R. Pawollek
Joint concert with Barbican Quartet Starting time: 11:00 a.m. Venue: Schloss Elmau, In Elmau 2, 82493 Krün Tickets and Info: https://reservations.schloss-elmau.de/ShowCalendarEvents.aspx?culture=de-DE
Joint concert with Quatuor Ébène Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Schloss Elmau, In Elmau 2, 82493 Krün Tickets and Info: https://reservations.schloss-elmau.de/ShowCalendarEvents.aspx?culture=de-DE
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Englische Kirche Bad Homburg Ferdinandstr. 16, 61348 Bad Homburg Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Erwin-Piscator-Haus (town hall), Biegenstraße 15, 35037 Marburg, Germany Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn
Starting time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Konzertsaal im Spitalhof Dinkelsbühl, Dr.-Martin-Luther-Str. 6B, 91550 Dinkelsbühl, Germany Program: Works by B. Smetana and D. Schostakowitsch
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Wildbadsaal Wildbadstraße 11, 91781 Weißenburg, Germany Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Joseph-Keilberth-Saal, Konzerthalle Bamberg Mußstraße 1, 96047 Bamberg, Germany Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 7:30 p.m. Venue: Bürgerhaus Telgte, Baßfeld 4, 48291 Telgte, Germany Program: Works by F. Schubert, Isang Yun and R. Pawollek
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Schlosskirche, 61348 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Frankfurt, Germany Program: Works by D. Schostakowitsch and F. Schubert Ticket inquiry to Freunde junger Musiker Frankfurt: https://freunde-junger-musiker-frankfurt.de/contact-us/
Starting time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Augustinum, Jaspersstraße 2, 69126 Heidelberg Program: Works by F. Schubert and J. Haydn More Info: https://augustinum.de/heidelberg/aktivitaet-und-kultur/veranstaltungsdetails/haydn-und-schubert-in-es-dur
Starting time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Werner Richard Saal, Wetterstraße 58, 58313 Herdecke Program: Works by D. Schostakowitsch, J.Haydn and J. Brahms
Cancelled due to illness. Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Kaminsaal im Schloss, Am Markt1, 31655 Stadthagen Program: Works by D. Schostakowitsch, J.Brahms and J. Haydn
Cancelled due to illness. Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Rittersaal der Burg Linn, Rheinbabenstraße 85, 47809 Krefeld Program: Works by F. Schubert, Isang Yun and R. Pawollek
Starting time: 10:00 a.m. Venue: Rittersaal der Burg Linn, Rheinbabenstraße 85, 47809 Krefeld Program: Concert for children Cancelled due to illness.
Starting time: 4:00 p.m. Venue: Musikschule Hamm, Kolpingstraße 1, 59065 Hamm Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 07:30 p.m. Location: Stiftkirche Sunnisheim Sinsheim Stiftstraße 15, 74889 Sinsheim, Germany Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Städtischen Bühnenhaus Wesel, Germany Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn Tickets: https://tickets.vibus.de/shop/00100202000000/vstsuche.aspx
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Oskar von Miller Forum, Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 25, 80333 München Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn Ticket requests: Phone (089) 8583607570 E-mail: info@freunde-junger-musiker-muenchen.de
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Klostersaal, Kloster Wennigsen, Klosteramthof, 530974 Wennigsen Program: Works by J. Haydn, B. Smetana and D. Schostakowitsch
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Stadthalle Weinheim Birkenauer Talstraße 1, 69469 Weinheim Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn Tickets: https://www.reservix.de/tickets-trio-eta-in-weinheim-stadthalle-am-14-10-2022/e1735942
Starting time: 6:00 p.m. Venue: Arche im Sonnenhof, Sudetenweg 92, 75423 Schwäbisch Hall Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn
Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Stadthalle Balingen Hirschbergstraße 38, 72336 Balingen, Germany Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Marstall Schlossplatz 1, 21423 Winsen, Germany Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn
Starting time: 6:00 p.m. Venue: Schloss Neuhaus Residenzstr. 2, 33104 Paderborn, Germany Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
Starting time: 6:00 p.m. Venue: Festsaal des Rathauses, Rathausplatz 1, 66111 Saarbrücken Program: Works by C. Franck, J. Brahms and J. Haydn
Starting time: 5:00 p.m. Venue: Rathaus; Marktstraße 7, 25917 Leck, Germany Program: Works by J. Brahms, S. Rachmaninow and J. Haydn
as part of the Weilburger Schlosskonzerte Venue: Renaissancehof Weilburg Programme: Beethoven Konzert für Klavier, Violine, Violoncello und Orchester in C Major op. 56 „Tripelkonzert“ conducted by Pavel Baleff Starting Time: 8:00 p.m. Tickets: https://www.weilburger-schlosskonzerte.de/programmuebersicht/uebersicht/konzert/details/drei-auf-einmal.html
Starting date: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Schloss Glienicke, Königstraße 36, 14109 Berlin, Germany Program: Works by J. Haydn, J. Brahms and C. Franck Ticket inquiry to Freunde junger Musiker Berlin: https://freunde-junger-musiker-berlin.de/kontakt/
as part of the „KlassikSommer 2022“ Venue Schloss Oberwerries, Zum Schloss Oberwerries 1, 29073 Hamm, Germany with works by J. Haydn, J. Brahms and C. Franck Tickets: https://kultur.hamm.de/de/tickets/klassiksommer-hamm/trio-eta-schloss-oberwerries-6-7-2022-19-30
mit Werken von L. v.Beethoven und L. Janacek
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Livestream: (Link folgt)
Charity concert for Ukraine with the Trio E.T.A., Elisabeth Brauß, Jasmine Choi, Simon Höfele, Annika Treutler and Pablo Barragán Starting time: 7:00 p.m. Venue: Liederhalle Stuttgart, Mozartsaal, Stuttgart, Germany Pre-order tickets at: volker.zerr@cms-hs.com The concert will be financed by the musica foundation, so 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Ukraine.
Starting time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: Stadttheater Ratingen, Europaring 9, 40878 Ratingen, Germany Works by D. Schostakowitsch, J. Haydn and B. Smetana Tickets: https://www.eventim.de/event/ensemble-caladrius-stadttheater-ratingen-13991759/
mit Werken von L. v.Beethoven und L. Janacek
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Livestream: (Link folgt)
mit Werken von L. v.Beethoven und L. Janacek
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Livestream: (Link folgt)
mit Werken von L. v.Beethoven und L. Janacek
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Livestream: (Link folgt)
mit Werken von L. v.Beethoven und L. Janacek
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Livestream: (Link folgt)
mit Werken von L. v.Beethoven und L. Janacek
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Livestream: (Link folgt)
mit Werken von L. v.Beethoven und L. Janacek
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Livestream: (Link folgt)
Concert cancelled due to Corona: Works by D. Schostakowitsch, V. Zuraj, F. Schubert and B. Smetana More info and tickets: klassikimkloesterle.de
works by F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and B. Smetana More info and tickets: klassikimkloesterle.de
Works by L. v. Beethoven and B. Smetana As part of “Klassik im Klösterle” More infos and tickets: here
Works by F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and L.v. Beethoven As part of the concert series ,,Klassischer Herbst“ More info and tickets: here
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Trio No. 2 in C minor, op. 66 Johannes Brahms Trio No. 2 in C major, op. 87 Free admission Seat reservations at: projekte@honigfabrik.de with subject “Klassik im Club”. Max. 2 tickets per concert The concert will also be available to watch live in the courtyard of the Honigfabrik and via stream on…